The prefabs used to be opposite a petrol and service station called Parkgate Service Station.
My father part-owned it.
As a child when it was closed, I used to play in the forecourt with the compressed airline.
I remember blowing air at the girls playing on the other side of the link fencing. I got told off by my dad.
He was killed in a road accident in 1957 on the way to service Boots’ diesel generators in bournmouth.
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The prefabs used to be opposite a petrol and service station called Parkgate Service Station.
My father part-owned it.
As a child when it was closed, I used to play in the forecourt with the compressed airline.
I remember blowing air at the girls playing on the other side of the link fencing. I got told off by my dad.
He was killed in a road accident in 1957 on the way to service Boots’ diesel generators in bournmouth.
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