24 Holloway Field, Coventry, prior to demolition in 1972
Nicholas Watts
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Thanks to this very informative site, I have now discovered that my childhood home (above) was an Arcon Mark V model. My memories of it match the floorplan exactly! I also remember that my cousin and I were playing in the bedroom once when the bedroom door accidently slammed into the wall. My cousin was astounded when the door knob left a circular indentation in the paper thin wall! Happy days!
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Thanks to this very informative site, I have now discovered that my childhood home (above) was an Arcon Mark V model. My memories of it match the floorplan exactly! I also remember that my cousin and I were playing in the bedroom once when the bedroom door accidently slammed into the wall. My cousin was astounded when the door knob left a circular indentation in the paper thin wall! Happy days!
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