Braemar Avenue, Crayford

Coronation Street Party Braemar Avenue Crayford
Pete Hicks
Coronation Street Party Braemar Avenue Crayford
Pete Hicks
Coronation Street Party Braemar Avenue Crayford
Pete Hicks
Coronation Street Party Braemar Avenue Crayford
Pete Hicks
Me in pram beside back door late 1940s
Pete Hicks
Me in back garden early 1950s
Pete Hicks

I have yet to find any reference to this group of Arcon Mk.V that were built in Braemar Avenue. The map I consulted showed a site in Martens Avenue, which met Braemar Avenue at a T-Junction, but I can’t remember seeing any others than ‘ours’ in the vicinity. I remember that the garden was comparatively large considering the site with plenty of vegetables being grown there. I wasn’t born there, but lived in the house from a few weeks old. The photographs are in fairly poor condition, but they could be the only ones of Braemar Avenue in existence.

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