Happy childhood living in our prefab set in the park and woodland of Lower Jackwood Close S.E.9
1946 – 1955
The pig-bins chained to the lamp-posts in the close
The horse drawn milk float and bread deliveries
Delivery of tarry blocks of wood dumped in the road for us to burn on the fire
Playing out in the street being told by mum to come in as soon as the street lights go on
Walking to school in the winter with socks on my hands as I had No gloves
Taboggoning down the slope from the cafe on a tea tray
Our table in the kitchen pulled out from the wall which was an ingenious space saving idea
I could go on and on 😊😊
Eileen prosser nee JOLIN
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Happy childhood living in our prefab set in the park and woodland of Lower Jackwood Close S.E.9
1946 – 1955
The pig-bins chained to the lamp-posts in the close
The horse drawn milk float and bread deliveries
Delivery of tarry blocks of wood dumped in the road for us to burn on the fire
Playing out in the street being told by mum to come in as soon as the street lights go on
Walking to school in the winter with socks on my hands as I had No gloves
Taboggoning down the slope from the cafe on a tea tray
Our table in the kitchen pulled out from the wall which was an ingenious space saving idea
I could go on and on 😊😊
Eileen prosser nee JOLIN
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