This was outside number 19 and 20 Gilbert Close. I was sitting on the left of John Wilson in the photo and I lived in number 20. I believe it is my mother holding the plate of sandwiches. ! still remember it clearly (now age 75). A happy memory of some wonderful times. We moved in during 1948 and left in the late 60s, or may have been early 70s when they were knocked down. Thank you for posting it John.
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Hi Peter, great to hear from you after 70 years
This was outside number 19 and 20 Gilbert Close. I was sitting on the left of John Wilson in the photo and I lived in number 20. I believe it is my mother holding the plate of sandwiches. ! still remember it clearly (now age 75). A happy memory of some wonderful times. We moved in during 1948 and left in the late 60s, or may have been early 70s when they were knocked down. Thank you for posting it John.
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