I’ve just been sent a photo from my dad of his house in the late 50s (he was born in 1954 and is the older of the children in the photo so it’s probably about 1958-ish). The prefab estate is on Mallard Road in Bournemouth which is where they lived after my Grandad (the handsome chap in the photo) came back from his navy work in the war. I love that he’s doing gardening because that’s what I remember him doing all the time when I was younger. Within a short time they moved to Castle Lane West, about half a mile away. After the war my Grandad worked for the local council and helped put up the lights and candles in the Winter Gardens which we always loved going to visit and lighting up in the summer.
Grandad is Raymond Homer and my dad Phillip and his younger brother Paul are the children in the photo.
I hope you like it I’ve never seen it before and always knew thought of them living forever at Castle Lane so it’s lovely to see.
Michelle Homer
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