British Concrete Federation Huts in Bourn, Cambridgeshire

BCF Huts. Bourn, Cambridgeshire
Keith Bath
BCF Huts. Bourn, Cambridgeshire
Keith Bath
BCF Huts. Bourn, Cambridgeshire
Keith Bath
BCF Huts. Bourn, Cambridgeshire
Keith Bath
BCF Huts. Bourn, Cambridgeshire
Keith Bath
BCF Huts. Bourn, Cambridgeshire
Keith Bath
BCF Huts. Bourn, Cambridgeshire
Keith Bath
BCF Huts. Bourn, Cambridgeshire
Keith Bath
BCF Huts. Bourn, Cambridgeshire
Keith Bath

Keith sent these photos of BCF Huts still standing in Bourn, Cambridgeshire. His mum lived in one

Comments about this page

  • I was born in Cambridge hospital, 1946 then went to live in Bourne airdrom with my parents and 2 brothers. My father work on the America Cemetery. My mother passed in 1950 and we eventually moved to Coton. I do remember lots of mud around the area.

    By Daniel R Clark (25/11/2022)
  • My Grandparents lived in one of these ‘huts’ and my dad was born there before they moved down into the village when the council estate was built

    By Sarah Laflin (22/10/2021)

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