We moved from the town area of Dover as our house was damaged with a German shell during the war My parents were allocated a new pre /fab on the new Buckland Estate on the outskirts of town My mother thought she was in heaven as it had a nice coal fire a Fridge and also a built in washing machine They lived there about 20 to 25 years The only down side wasthey were very hot in the summer and cold in the winter but otherwise o/k
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Thank you for your comment. I don’t have access to the old maps anymore but there is some information on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/DoverHistoryPages/permalink/3079999888688713/?comment_id=3080060892015946
I was born in 1952 in a prefab at 10 Ruskin Terrace (I think on the Buckland Estate) which I know has long been demolished. Can anyone tell me where it was and if there is a Dover a Street Map from the 1950s that shows it? Thanks.
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