Search the archive Currently displaying: 7 results You've searched for: Decade: "1960s" xlocation: "Shrewsbury" x Search term Filter by Format Document (1)Photo (6) Sort by: RelevanceTitleOldestNewest Mel, Peter and Hilary Ball on the step of their prefab, 48 Abbots Gardens, Shrewsbury Peter Ford's memories of his prefab at 48 Abbots Gardens, Shrewsbury Peter and pals with marbles area to the right. Abbots Gardens, Shrewsbury Peter in the back garden. Abbots Gardens, Shrewsbury Richard Gough, Peter and Hilary next door. Abbots Gardens, Shrewsbury Peter on his fourth birthday with his sisters. Abbots Gardens Ursula with Aunt Cecily in Peter Ford's family prefab garden, Shrewsbury